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Black History Month 2023

Welcome to February: The Black History Month! A Time to Celebrate and Remember the Contributions of Blacks in Canada.
February marks the annual celebration of Black History Month in Canada. This month-long event is dedicated to recognizing the contributions and achievements of Black Canadians throughout history and raising awareness about their ongoing struggles for equality.
This year, the theme of Black history month is  “Ours to Tell”. The origin of Black History Month can be traced back to 1926 when historian Carter G. Woodson launched the first Negro History Week. Over time, the observance grew and expanded to include a full month dedicated to honoring the contributions and achievements of Black Americans. Today, Black History Month is celebrated in many countries around the world, including Canada, where it has been officially recognized since 1995 following a motion introduced by Dr. Augustine.
Black history month
The role of Black History Month in Canada is to showcase the rich cultural heritage of Black Canadians and to educate the wider public about their history, struggles, and achievements. The goal is to increase awareness about the important contributions that Black Canadians have made to our society and to provide a platform for the voices and perspectives of Black Canadians to be heard.
Throughout the month, there are numerous events and activities held across the country to commemorate Black History Month. From art exhibitions and film screenings to lectures and community events, there are plenty of opportunities for Canadians to learn about and celebrate Black history.
This year, Black History Month takes on “Ours to Tell” as its theme and in a time like this, we have to celebrate the resilience and strength of Black people throughout history. It is a time to remember and pay tribute to those who have fought against oppression, discrimination, and inequality. One of the most important aspects of Black history is the legacy of Black resistance, a powerful testament to the enduring spirit of the Black community.
At Thrive4Blacks, as we celebrate Black History Month, it is important to our story and honor those who have fought for change. Their bravery and perseverance are a testament to the strength of the human spirit and a reminder that even in the face of adversity, it is possible to make a difference. Let us use this month to recommit ourselves to the ongoing struggle for justice and equality.
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