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Do Black kids deserve the same treatment as other races in Canada?

There has been a lot of discussion recently in the news about the treatment that black children are receiving when they go to school in Canada. There have been reports of teachers, administrators, and even janitors mistreating these children according to these children who have come forward with their stories. The question is whether or not it’s because of racist motives or if it’s just people not understanding how to properly talk to kids in whichever race they are.

The article is going to be about the argument on whether black kids in Canada deserve to be treated better than they currently are. The author will argue for this, and give a few points discussing the inequalities of the current system.

The definition of segregation in Canadian

Segregation in the Canadian context is the act of separating members of society on the basis of their ethnicity. This is not to be confused with segregation in America, which was based primarily on race. In Canada, segregation is more often based on language or religion, while race is often just one component of determining ethnic background. However, this doesn’t mean that discrimination or racism can’t be an issue.

The definition of segregation in Canada comes from the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It defines it as any discrimination based on social origin, color, religion, or ancestry. Despite this, there are many Canadians who believe that the definition of segregation is overbroad and should be limited to discrimination in terms of access to public services.

Segregation is a term that refers to the separation of two or more groups or people. These sects may be based on religious beliefs, gender, ethnic background, and so forth. The idea of segregation became popular in Canada when the Canadian Parliament passed the Canadian Immigration Act in 1910, which stemmed from the belief that white Anglo-Saxon Protestants were superior to other ethnicities that were coming into Canada.

The history of segregation in Canada

Canada’s history is rife with racial segregation, which was imposed by law until the late 1960s. Blacks in Canada experienced disenfranchisement, unequal treatment under the law, and prejudice that led to their exclusion from participation in economic, social/cultural, and political life. Legal segregation was an official policy of both federal and municipal governments, who passed laws barring blacks from public parks, being allowed to vote or being appointed to public office.

The Underground Railroad brought black slaves to Canada, where they were given the same rights as white settlers. Despite this, segregation continued to exist in Canada. Blacks were not allowed to vote and they could not go to the same schools as whites. They had their own restaurants, hotels, and churches, but they were still segregated from the white community.

What is the current state of affairs?

In the last few years, many school systems and states have found ways to avoid racial discrimination by raising their standards, rather than lowering standards for students of color. However, the fact remains that black children are not graduating at the same rate as their white peers.

There are a few factors contributing to this problem. One such factor is the lack of qualified teachers, who often leave classrooms or get fired due to their inability to effectively reach all students. There’s also a huge gap between the number of qualified teachers who specialize in STEM subjects and those who specialize in non-STEM subjects.

There are many black children who are being mistreated in school and in society. This is a serious issue; however, it’s not getting the proper attention due to the lack of awareness that is going on in society. Black children are being mistreated in school. According to the report, more than 80% of Black children get suspended from school by white teachers. These children are being treated unfairly because they are Black; this needs to stop. What’s even worse is that these black children walk around society with a certain stereotype that is not always true about them.

The situation in society and school

The issue on how black children are treated in schools and society at large, is a topic that has been deeply researched for many years. The research shows that the youngest of African-American males are more likely to be suspended or expelled from schools than their white counterparts. Further, studies have shown that African American boys are arrested more often than any other racial group, which can lead to low self-esteem, high risk behavior, and an increased likelihood of future contact with the criminal justice system.

Each year, black children are individualized and racialized by American society. In schools, these children are faced with a number of challenges that include the curriculum they are taught, being suspended from school at higher rates than other kids, and being bused from their neighborhood school to a “better” school. The educational system disregards the diversity of these students’ experiences and voices by delegitimizing their culture.

Black children are currently treated differently in school and society. As a result, they are less likely to be successful academically and economically. A recent study found that black children are more likely to be suspended from school, more likely to be punished with expulsion, more likely to be referred to law enforcement or juvenile justice system, and are less likely to graduate high school.


There is a major debate taking place in Canada with regards to how we should be treating Black Canadians. The Black Lives Matter movement and the Toronto Pride Parade believe that in order for society to progress, we must treat black children in Canada better than they currently are. However, there are numerous others who disagree with this perspective. They argue that if we don’t teach our societal children from the get-go that everyone deserves equality, then it will never get better.

Join us while we help to make Canada a more balanced society for all races and peoples.

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